Saturday, December 13, 2008

Merrily we "Roll" Along

December is Christmas party time at Heritage Gardens, and lots of lunch and dinner parties means lots of our famous Heritage Garden rolls. I am the official and only maker of the rolls so I have been busy lately. From last Saturday to Today, I made over 1800 rolls. Want to know how to make 1800 rolls? It takes:

200 pounds flour
4 1/2 cups salt
108 Tablespoons yeast (that's 6 3/4 cups)
9 gallons milk
13 1/2 quarts water
216 eggs
20 pounds butter

Then spend about 35 hours mixing, rolling, flipping, baking, and buttering rolls (if you have had lots of practice or it may take a little longer.) Oh, and I only got butter in my eye twice.


Julianne said...

Congrats on only buttering your eye twice. That's impressive in 1800 rolls considering I got butter in my eye and I only flipped like 10. Anyway at least this week is over. More rolling next week?????

spencerandkatiegardiner said...

20 pounds of butter? Gross! That is nuts. You will never want to make rolls again! :(